At Home, the Hills Hoist is full of snow
Births, Deaths and Marriages
Reviewed and updated: 27 March 2023
News of Past Births
We recall the July births of the following direct ancestors from our family tree.
4th – Kate Fulbrook
On 4th July 1870, at Newbury, Berkshire, England to Francis William Fulbrook and Hannah Wyles the birth of a daughter, Kate.
17th – Francis William Fulbrook
On 17th July 1843, at Hungerford, Berkshire, England to William Fulbrook and Maria Matthews the birth of a son, Francis William.
21st –Frederick James Morris
On the 21st July 1924, at Paddington, New South Wales to Frederick George Morris and Dorothy May Clingan the birth of a son, Frederick James.
21st – Stella Constance Morris
On the 21st July 1928, at Sydney, New South Wales to Frederick George Morris and Dorothy May Clingan the birth of a daughter, Stella Constance.
26th – Edward Emanuel Randall
On the 26th July 1868, at Shropshire, England to Emmanuel and Matilda Randall the baptism of a son, Edward Emanuel. See More
Marriage News
Shown below, July heralds the wedding anniversaries of our descendants and direct ancestors.

Eleanor to Andrew Hindmarsh
On 7th July 1757 at Alnwick, Northumberland, England, Andrew Hindmarsh son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hindmarsh of Northumberland, England married Eleanor Reed of Northumberland, England. A marriage of Wife’s 5th great grandparents, they lived their married lives in Northumberland, England.

Lucy Jane Cleary to Reginald George Williamson
On 30th July 1912 Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia, Reginald George Williamson son of David James Williamson and Jemima Ritchie of Newhills, Aberdeenshire, Scotland married Lucy Jane Cleary, daughter of John Cleary and Bridget Flanagan of North Parramatta, New South Wales. A marriage of Wife’s paternal grandparents, they lived their married lives in the Parramatta region of New South Wales. See Lucy’s Story or See Reg’s Story
News of Past Deaths
The Death of our ancestors are not forgotten, we remember them each month on the anniversary of their death.
Frederick George Morris
In fondest memory of Frederick George Morris, Husband’s maternal grandfather, who passed away at the Sacred Heart Hospice, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, on 1st July 1943. His funeral left the private chapel of Labor Motor Funerals for the Catholic Cemetery at Botany. Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us you are in our thoughts and not forgotten. See Frederick’s Story
Edward Emanuel Randall
In fondest memory of Edward Emanuel Randall, Wife’s great grandfather, who passed away at Manilla, New South Wales, Australia on 8th July 1952. Deep down within our hearts, where love burns deep and true, there is a light that will burn forever.
Charles Gathercole Peachey
In fondest memory of Charles Gathercole Peachey, family friend of Ron and Nay, who passed away at Wyong, New South Wales, Australia on the 9th July 1971. Every goodbye is the birth of a memory; you remain in our thoughts and are not forgotten. See More
Lucia Anastacia Williamson
In fondest memory of Lucia Anastacia Williamson, Wife’s Aunt, who passed away in the Parramatta region of New South Wales, Australia on the 9th July 1971. A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts and minds, through us, they live on.
Bernard O’Neill
In fondest memory of Bernard O’Neill, Husband’s paternal second great grandfatther, who passed away at Picton, New South Wales, Australia on the 10th July 1956. There were no goodbyes for us, we never met. Wherever you are, you will be remembered.
Edna May Williamson
In fondest memory of Edna May Williamson, Wife’s aunt, who passed away in the Parramatta region of New South Wales on 13th July 1998. What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.
Kate Fulbrook
In fondest memory of Kate Fulbrook, Husband’s paternal great grandmother, who passed away at North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on the 15th July 1956. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.
William Clingan
In fondest memory of William Clingan, Husband’s 2nd great grandfather, who passed away at Waterloo, New South Wales, Australia on 16th July 1943. William remains in our thoughts and is not forgotten.
Ernest Arthur Bennett
In fondest memory of Ernest Arthur Bennett, husband of Wife’s Aunt, who passed away at Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia on 16th July 1995. What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.
James William Clingan
In fondest memory of James ‘Jumma’ William Clingan, Husband’s great uncle, who passed away at North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on 17th July 1954. ‘Jumma’ remains in our thoughts ever since first we met at Gunnedah in the early 1950’s, he is not forgotten.
Joyce Magdalene Williamson
In fondest memory of Joyce Magdalene Williamson, Wife’s Aunt, who passed away at Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia on 17th July 2002. We walk down memory lane because we know you’ll be found there, always in our thoughts.
Alexander Stanley Clingan
In fondest memory of Alexander Stanley Clingan, Husband’s 1st cousin 2x removed, who was killed in action at Fromelles, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France on the 19th July 1916. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. See More
Gwenneth Fay Sellman
In fondest memory of Gwen Morris, Husband’s Aunt, who passed away at Auburn, New South Wales, Australia on 22nd July 2019. Deep down within our hearts, where love burns deep and true, there is a light that will burn forever, in memory dear Gwen, of you.
Nesbitt William Thomas Black
In fondest memory of Nesbitt William Thomas Black, Wife’s 1st cousin 2x removed, who was killed in action at Pozières, Somme, Picardie, France on the 23rd July 1916. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. See More
Mary Crawford
In fondest memory of Mary Crawford, Wife’s 2nd great grandmother, who passed away at Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia on the 27th July 1883. A memory is a keepsake of time that lives forever in the heart.
Charlotte Alice Hindmarsh
In fondest memory of Charlotte Alice Hindmarsh, Wife’s 2nd great grandmother, who passed away at Gerringong, New South Wales, Australia on the 28th July 1914. Grant but memory to us, and we lose nothing by death.
Henry Smith
In fondest memory of Henry Smith, Husband’s 3rd great grandfather, who passed away at Wallaga Lake, New South Wales, Australia on the 29th July 1864. He will always remain in our thoughts. See Henry’s Story
- By default the ‘In Memoriam‘ or ‘Death‘ sections of this page use the maiden name of women instead of the husband’s family name or surname.
- Sometimes the maiden name is not known, in this circumstance the married name will be used.