Our Ancestors

Collage image showing some of our ancestors

Our Direct Ancestors

At least seven generations of ancestors from the Morris, Williamson, Cleary, Johnston, Randall, Irving, Fulbrook, Johnson, O’Neill and Clingan families are known. The Ancestral Fan Chart shown below excludes three generations who are still living,  but lists four generations from the early 1880’s to the late 1990’s. Earlier ancestors dating back to the 1670’s, have not been shown at this time.

Colour Coding used in Direct Ancestors Fan Chart

Irving, Fulbrook, Johnson, Morris and Clingan Familes

Williamson Family Ancestor Cleary Family Ancestor Johnston Family Ancestor Randall Family Ancestor

Williamson, Johnston, Cleary and Randall Families

The purpose of the following Ancestor Fan Chart is to guide you through our ancestry:

The extended family tree includes siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews with the following surnames: Adams, Agnew, Allerding, Althorpe, Appleyard, Ash, Attneave, Attwool, Bannan, Bassum, Baxter, Becker, Beckett, Bennett, Best, Biggs, Black, Blackburn, Blondel, Bond, Bones, Bradberry, Brennan, Brodie, Brough, Campbell, Carr, Carson, Cary, Chalk, Champley, Christie, Churchouse, Clark, Claverie, ClearyClingan, Collins, Conlan, Cooper, Cowan, Cowell, Crapp, Crawford, Cruchshank, Cumming, Cummins, Daly, Davies, Davis, Dean, Delaney, Dempsey, Dick, Dillon, Dooley, Downie, Eagar, Ellick, Emery, Evans, Every, Ewin, Fallside, Faulkener, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flack, Flanagan, Flower, Foley, Franklin, Franks, Frazier, Fulbrook, Futcher, Gaffney, Gall, Gannon, Garty, Geoghegan, Gilligan, Gledstaines, Goodman, Goodsell, Gray, Greenham, Hall, Hanna, Hardy, Hatch, Hawker, Heathersey, Heckenberg, Henderson, Hewitt, Hindmarsh, Holmes, Hourigan, Howard, Howes, Hungerford, Irving, Irwin, Jacques, James, Jenner, Jeppeson, Jeremy, Jewell, JohnsonJohnston, Joyce, Kain, Kelly, Kendall, Kent, Kerwan, King, Kitchingham, Knipler, Lachmund, Langfield, LaPatovrel, Limmer, Lloyd, Loane, Lupton, Mackenzie, Macmahon, Maher, Malone, Mathieson, Maxwell, McBride, McDougall, McFarlane, McGuire, McKenna, McKinney, McKinnon, McLeod, McMahon, McNeill, Meagher, Miller, Minns, Mitchell, Mobbs, Moffitt, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mores, Mulqueeney, Murphy, Murray, Mylan, Nestor, O’Neill, Peachey, Polin, Pope, Potter, Prescott, Price, Pursehouse, Randall, Rea, Richards, Richardson, Ritchie, Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Ronald, Roser, Rutter, Ryan, Sanders, Scott, Searle, Seckold, Selby, Sellman, Sharpe, Silver, Simpson, Smail, Smith, Smithson, Smyth, Snowden, Sommerville, Spoust, Staines, Stephenson, Stewart, Swan, Switzer, Talbot, Tasker, Taylor, Terrey, Towzey, Trickey, Tyler, Urpeth, Walker, Wallace, Walsh, Wark, Watt, Weeden, Weir, Welsh, Weston, White, Wilford, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Withers, Wittkugel, Wood, Woodward Wyles and Young.

Do you recognise anyone in our Unknown Relatives Gallery?

The original 1999 historical family history website is no longer supported or updated.

Posted in Ancestor comments

2 comments on “Our Ancestors
  1. Christine Franklin says:

    I really enjoyed reading your family story of Henry Lancelot Smith and also enjoy exploring my family history. I have just added Jane Gidley Smith (nee Goodman) to my tree following a bit of a breakthrough with my Goodman family. She was the sister of my great, great grandfather, William Louis Kay Goodman. Their father, also William Goodman married Sarah Parker Key at St Bride’s Church, City of London in 1817.

    Although the family moved to Falmouth in Cornwall, eventually, I note that Henry Lancelot Smith came from the same area of London as Jane’s parents so there must have been some connection retained. Do you know how Jane got to Australia? Did she know Henry and they planned to marry after her arrival. Seems a brave move for a girl to go on her own at that time.

    Please let me know if you have any info. I am on My Heritage if you are able to access

    Kind regards. Chris Franklin (nee Goodman)

    • Ron says:

      This week I have found details of Henry Lancelot Smith’s arrival in Botany Bay aboard the clipper ship Speedy on 10 April 1855 from South Hampton, London, after a passage of 92 days. Regarding Jane’s journey from England to Botany Bay in 1855. Jane was not alone; she was accompanied with her older sister Sarah Ann Goodman. They both left Plymouth on 22 April 1855 and sailed aboard the vessel Mangerton arriving at Botany Bay, New South Wales on 29 July 1855. Links to the voyages of “Speedy” and “Mangerton” are highlighted.

      I’m not aware of any connection between Henry and Jane in London prior to their voyages to Australia. At the time of their marriage both Henry and Jane had been in Australia for more than seven years. If their marriage had been planned earlier in England, I think it would have happened prior to October 1862.

      Marriage of Sarah Anne Goodman and Launedot Hogg – November 1861
      Sarah Anne Goodman, aged 37, married Launedot Hogg, aged 51, on 26 November 1861. Launedot was a Widower with two living children and 11 dead from his previous marriage. Sarah’s parents were shown as William Goodman and Sarah Parker Goodman. Officiating Minister A. H. Bull, Parish Church of St Peters, conducted the Marriage according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England.

      Marriage of Jane Gidley Goodman and Henry Lancelot Smith – October 1862
      Eleven months later, on 16 October 1862, Henry Lancelot Smith, aged 27, Stonemason of Newtown, married Jane Gidley Goodman, aged 22, of Newtown. Henry’s parents were shown as Henry Smith, Builder and Jane Price. Sarah’s parents were shown as William Goodman, Cabinet Maker and Sarah P Goodman. Officiating Minister A. H. Bull, Parish Church of St Peters, conducted the Marriage according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England. At the time of their marriage Henry Lancelot Smith and Jane Gidley Goodman declared that were Members of the Wesleyan Denomination.

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