Cleary & Williamson

All web pages attached to this section of the website, has been prepared for members of the Cleary and Williamson families. Each individual web page is based on verifiable sources, documents and citations obtained from official sources.

Because many people are associated with the surnames Cleary or Williamson; understandably these names are not unique to our family. The names are shared by many groups or individuals who are not actually related to us, or even to each other. Ancestral relationships of unconnected individuals or families should be avoided.

At times the presentation and content of this information can be changed or improved. If you wish to offer any suggestions, comments, information, photos or feedback please leave a message at the bottom of this page.

Cleary Family Ancestor

Our Cleary Ancestors

Descendant Fan Chart of Timothy Cleary and Ann Malone

Descendant Fan Chart of Timothy Cleary and Ann Malone, including Lucy Jane Cleary

The related Cleary ancestors include members of the Flanagan, Malone, Conlan, Polin, Morris, Dillon and Gilligan families.

Our objective is to clearly identify those people with the surname Cleary who are our direct ancestors. To meet this criterion, we know that they must have Irish or Australian heritage and been directly related to Timothy Cleary (1819-1910) and Ann Malone (1834-1890), or their ancestors or descendants.

Both Timothy and Ann were born in Offaly, Ireland. They travelled to Australia separately aboard the ship Hotspur in 1861. They married three months later in Parramatta and had six children. The descendants of the union between Timothy and Ann created the direct ancestors of this branch of our family.

Photograph of Hotspur and St Patricks Church Parramatta

Timothy Cleary arrived in Australia aboard the Hotspur and married 3 months later at St . Patricks Church, Parramatta

Williamson Family Ancestor

Our Williamson Ancestors

Descendant Fan Chart of David Williamson and Mary Fallside

Descendant Fan Chart of David Williamson and Mary Fallside, including Reginald George Williamson

The related Williamson ancestors include members of the Fallside, Ritchie, Christie, Downie and Walker families.

Our objective is to clearly identify those people with the surname Williamson who are our direct ancestors. To meet this criterion, we know that they must have Scottish or Australian heritage and been directly related to Reginald George Williamson (1890-1956) and Lucy Jane Cleary (1893-1912) and their ancestors or descendants.

Reginald was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and arrived in Sydney aboard the ship Otway in 1909. He was introduced to Lucy at Parramatta and they married in 1912 and had nine children. The descendants of the union between Reginald and Lucy created the direct ancestors of this branch of the Williamson family.

Photograph of RMS Otway that arrived in Sydney on 11 December 1909

Reg Williamson arrived in Sydney aboard the RMS Otway in December 1909

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